
Contact us

RC-Log d.o.o.
Ankaranska cesta 7B
6000 Koper

T: +386 (0)5 66 38 035
F: +386 (0)5 66 38 030

Company details

The company was registered: 22.03.2012
Company ID number: 6134572000
Tax number: SI38760045
Long name: RC-LOG d.o.o., transport in špedicija
Short name: RC-LOG d.o.o.
Headquarters: Koper
Address: Koper, Ankaranska cesta 7B, 6000 Koper - Capodistria
Form of business: Limited liability company (LLC) - d.o.o.
Nominal Capital: 7.500,00 EUR
IBAN SI56 1010 0005 0609 842 (BANKA KOPER d.d.) SWIFT: BAKOSI2X

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Ocean Freight

Ocean Freight

Port of Koper is a very important logistic centre, located in the heart of Europe and linking Central and east Europe with...

Inland transport

Inland transport

RC-Log organizes road transports to/from European, CIS and Balkan countries. Transports are performed by experienced...

Air freight

Air freight

In cooperation with our partners RC-Log provides delivery of cargo around the world. According to the agreement we can ...

Project cargo

Project cargo

RC-Log organizes door to door transports of heavy and oversized goods by road and sea. With qualified subcontractors...